Bromen accept an order cancellation before the product is shipped. Please send an email with your order number to We will initiate full refund within 3 working days after you submit your cancellation request. Note that we cannot cancel the order if the product is already shipped out.
Bromen currently don't offer exchanges. To make our returns process as easy as possible, we only offer refunds.
Bromen strives to provide an amazing shopping experience and superior customer service. If for any reason you are not content with your order, we gladly accept returns on orders from US within 30 days from the date of shipment and in new, unused condition with original packaging.

Accessories must be returned with all pieces included and intact, and apparel or bag must also be returned in unworn and unwashed state, with all tags still attached.

If non of the above conditions are met, we regret to inform that we are unable to process any claims for refund regardless that the items have been mailed back to us. Some items purchased through special promotions may be final sale, and therefore not eligible for exchanges or returns (please refer to promotion disclaimers for the terms of each offer).

If the return is caused by the consumer, consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.

If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or not correct, you are not required to bear the shipping fee for this reason. You only need to contact us according to the first step of the return instructions, and we will re-ship the goods to you according to the specific situation. If you want to cancel the order, you just need to follow the our instructions below step by step.

  • Step 1:
      • Contact our customer after-sales team at Email: Please attach the order receipt or order number, the photos of products you received via email.
  • Step 2:
      • Once after-sales team agrees to return products for you, you must properly package the product with original status. Then our staff will contact you at to provide the return address.
  • Step 3:
      • Once the returned item is received and tested by our warehouse colleague, we would arrange refund to you within 1-2 working days. If the return is caused by the consumer, the original shipping fee and insurance are non-refundable. All refunds will be ruturned according to your original payment channel.